PCE Instrument CorporateA gauss meter displays electromagnetic wave measurements in Gauss (G), milliGauss (mG), milliTesla (mT) or microTesla (µT) units. A gauss meter can detect either static (DC) permanent (rare-earth) magnetic or dynamic (AC) electromagnetic fields (EMFs), or both. Thus, it is important to review the specifications of a gauss meter prior to purchase to ensure suitability for the intended application.


F.W. Bell Inc.: Our range of F.W. Bell gaussmeters provide accurate magnetic field measurements of both AC and DC fields. They utilize F.W. Bell’s patented, instrument-grade Hall sensors to provide unmatched accuracy, linearity and stability.

AlfaLab Inc.Gaussmeters are scientific instruments used to measure magnetic fields.  AlphaLab carries a full line of hand-held, digital gaussmeters for scientific and industrial applications, that can measure DC and AC magnetic fields, as well as magnetic pulses.

Lake Shore Cryotronics



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